Our History

Charity activities are taken place around the world.
Core Values


BCURA (Baz Consultancy Unit for Rehabilitation of Afghanistan) is a
nongovernmental, non-political, non-for-profit and independent organization founded in 1991 by a group of community development and research specialists.  BCURA is registered with Ministry of Economy, actively working in varies provinces and districts of Afghanistan. The aim of the organization is to contribute to the sustainable development of Afghanistan as an integral part of the community.

Core Values

Our Approach

Through our long experience, BCURA has learned that three mutually complementary principles, or “cross-cutting issues”, are crucial to sustainable development and effective humanitarian assistance in Afghanistan, these are: community-led development, gender equality and good governance. These three principles are factored into all of our work. In Afghanistan’s high risk and complex environment, partnerships with other high-performing organisations enable us to expand our good work, to do more for more people, while sharing learning and driving innovation. BCURA has made mutually complementary partnerships central to our way of working. Similarly, the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals underpin the design of all of our projects – we work to implement the global goals in one of the most challenging contexts in the Afghanistan.